And via memeorandum: Franken's SNL moment on the Senate floor
For a moment Wednesday, Al Franken looked like he was back on the set of Saturday Night Live and not on the floor of the U.S. Senate. In a speech explaining that there would be no money to pay for military and security personnel if Congress doesn’t pass a bill increasing the debt ceiling by Aug. 2, Franken unveiled a large poster in the chamber that said, “Welcome Terrorists.”Fact is though, terrorists are pouring across the border:
Franken aimed his theater of the absurd at those who believe the U.S. doesn’t have to raise the debt limit to avoid economic catastrophe. He couched it as black humor, but certainly not as comic relief in a House and Senate deadlock that economists say puts the U.S. at risk of a financial meltdown. ...
Franken himself is an open borders guy anyway and the above points to the fact that he has become a parody of himself. More from The Radio Equalizer, Pajamas Media and American Spectator